Running & Consumables Costs
We have had a number of people ask about consumables and how this will affect the operating costs. While this will obviously be largely impacted by the tracks where the car is being used, we have prepared this as a basic guide for our customers to get a understanding of what to expect.
Routine Maintenance
Longevity of the car and your on-track experience obviously will be impacted by performing routine maintenance of the car. The key areas here are the chain driveline, coolant system and engine lubricants.
The Rush SR is easy to work on. A large number of our owners are their own mechanics. For this reason, parts are inexpensive and access to critical components is generally easy and unobstructed. Before going out for a day, it is proper practice to take the front and rear bodywork off and inspect the car. Thankfully, this only takes minutes and can be done solo!
See the our Maintenance Section for complete detail.
Combined Cost per Hour
The Rush SR is designed to be very inexpensive to run and maintain.
The Rush SR runs long-life tires, over-specced brakes, pump gas, a wet-sumped motor, an unmodified sequential gearbox, a 14-piece body (no piece is too big to ship via UPS!), and has very light weight. This means it is very easy on consumables, and thus the Rush SR has a very competitive cost per hour, especially compared to other cars.
Rush SR runtime costs are estimated. They are dependent on driving style, track surface, tire wear, and owner preferences.
All costs projected for competing cars are also estimations.
At only $120/hour to run, the Rush SR is in a league of its own.
This cost is far lower than the estimated cost of running a Radical SR3 ($671/hr), Formula Mazda ($512/hr), and Formula 4 ($590/hr). Despite this, laptimes are a few seconds slower at popular tracks (approximately 3 seconds at Sonoma).
Popular inexpensive spec series like Formula Vee ($219/hr), Spec Miata ($435/hr), Spec 911 ($323/hr), and Spec E46 ($330/hr) deliver inferior performance, overwhelmingly rely on used and out-of-production parts, cost double or more to run, and often lack the safety features and conveniences (like no-lift paddle shifting) that are standard in the Rush SR.
Details below and in our complete spreadsheet:
Oil Change
10 hours
Chain Wax
20 hours (per can)
15 hours
Brake Pads
50 hours
Brake Rotors
100 hours
Chain and Sprockets
50 hours
Suspension Bushing & Bearings
100 hours
Fuel (93 pump gas)
8 gal/hr (roughly)
Engine Rebuild
160 hours
Gearbox Rebuild
160 hours
Last updated
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